Project Concept
守滬樂齡 宜然自得:
根據聯合國統計,老年人口成長率(1.9%)已顯著高於整體人口成長率(1.2%),全球多處地區預計會在 2015 到 2035 年間遭受最強大的衝擊。台灣推估將於 2025 年邁入超高齡社會(老年人口比率達 20%),高齡者的健康生活成為我們應積極面對的一項課題。鑑於高齡者人數逐年上升的在地議題,我們關注於「SDG 3 良好健康與福祉」、「SDG 4優質教育」以及「SDG 10 減少不平等」等大學社會責任的永續發展目標。我們同理長者的陪伴需求,並有鑑於手機使用的普及性與可操作性,希望可以藉由本校師生的力量,釐清淡蘭地區的長者健康老化需求,開發一個以「陪伴」為核心的手機 AI 應用程式原型:「為愛(AI)陪伴手機 APP」。
According to United Nations statistics, the growth rate of the elderly population (1.9%) has significantly outpaced the overall population growth rate (1.2%). Many regions worldwide are expected to experience the most significant impacts between 2015 and 2035. Taiwan is projected to become a super-aged society by 2025, with the elderly population making up 20% of the total. As such, promoting a healthy lifestyle for seniors has become a crucial challenge for us to address proactively.
Given the local context of an increasing elderly population, we focus on key university social responsibility goals such as "SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being," "SDG 4: Quality Education," and "SDG 10: Reduced Inequality." We recognize the need for companionship among the elderly and, considering the widespread use and accessibility of smartphones, aim to leverage the expertise of our faculty and students to better understand the health and aging needs of seniors in the Danlan region. We propose to develop a prototype smartphone AI application centered on "companionship": the "For Love (AI) Companion App."
本計畫「守滬樂齡宜然自得:建置以長者為關懷的「為愛AI陪伴」手機APP」(簡稱「愛陪伴計畫」)為USR萌芽型新興計畫,以「銀髮族全方位健康促進」作為跨域設計思考的核心關懷,建置「銀髮族全方位健康促進手機 AI 應用程式」。以「淡江大學淡水、蘭陽校園的生活圈/里/社區」為行動場域並作為執行策略的內涵。從淡江大學教師團隊開始,以各專業課程進行任務導向學習的人才培育,再以課程接力、假日工作坊和工作會議進行手機APP系統開發,包含動腦小遊戲、AI MMPose活力量測(使用人體關鍵點資料集(Human Pose Dataset)加速訓練過程,測評完人體關鍵點後,依據人體各部位給予活力權重,活力權重未來將與受評人之生理心理數據綜合分析,藉此研究過程讓師生理解活力量測與健康、快樂關係及其進階發展應用)、文字情緒分析等。
The project "Happy-Care&Happy-Life" (referred to as the "For Love Companion Project") is a budding initiative under the University Social Responsibility (USR) framework. It focuses on "Comprehensive Health Promotion for Seniors" as its core interdisciplinary design approach, aimed at developing a "Comprehensive Health Promotion Mobile AI Application for Seniors." The project takes the "Tamkang University campuses at Tamsui and Lanyang" as its action field, with the strategy centered around local community engagement.
The initiative begins with a team of faculty from Tamkang University, promoting task-oriented learning through various specialized courses. It then continues with course relay, weekend workshops, and work meetings to develop the mobile app system, featuring components such as brain games, AI-based MMPose vitality assessment (using a human pose dataset to accelerate the training process), and text-based sentiment analysis.
The MMPose assessment evaluates vitality by measuring key human body points, assigning vitality weights based on each part of the body. These weights are later used in conjunction with physiological and psychological data for comprehensive analysis. Through this research process, students and faculty gain insights into the relationship between vitality measurement, health, happiness, and their potential applications in advanced development.
我們透過盤點共好鄰里的銀髮族人口,觀察並同理其生活樣態,依據APP使用後回饋進行增修,建構一個永續生態圈(eco-system)。愛陪伴人文AI醫學團隊分成五個小組:APP使用介面、全方位健康促進功能項目、後台管理、大數據分析和AI Data,分別有五位主責老師與專家顧問智庫支持,旨在全方位健康促進的身、心、靈架構下,結合人工智慧陪伴守護(滬)銀髮族的樂齡人生,營造一個怡(宜)然自得的宜滬宜居社會。
We are taking stock of the senior population in the communities that share a collaborative spirit, observing and empathizing with their lifestyles. Based on feedback received after app usage, we make necessary updates to build a sustainable ecosystem. The "For Love Companion" AI healthcare team is divided into five groups: App User Interface, Comprehensive Health Promotion Features, Backend Management, Big Data Analysis, and AI Data. Each group has a lead instructor and a team of expert consultants to support the project's goal of promoting comprehensive health encompassing the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions. By incorporating artificial intelligence into a framework of companionship, we aim to support the well-being of seniors and create an eco-friendly, senior-friendly, and harmonious society.